“He’s known as the Coo Guy, the indie artist was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he has made his mark as a songwriter after he began to create and share renditions on SoundCloud of some of his personal inspiring artists.”

Having received positive responses from fans/followers, he later released his first debut single titled, One Night Only, a single that expressed Terrance’s love for R&B in his own creative and “coo way.” As Terrance continues to create music, he hopes to inspire others to do “Coo” things such as following their dreams, give within their communities, save the bees, and honoring self-care/love. He is consistently looking for opportunities that will allow him to connect with his community both online and in-person so that he is able to continue to share his gift and impact them in a positive way.
To support Terrance Anderson, you can follow him on Social Media on Instagram – @terranceandersonfive, FaceBook – @terranceandersonfive, Twitter – @TANumberFive, stream his latest single “Wanna See.” on any of your favorite streaming platform such as Apple Music, Spotify, AudioMack, Google Play, YouTube or by clicking this link – terranceandersonmusic.com.